Michael Laudurup, the legendary late footballer, was the next to give his opinion on the qualities of Juventus striker Paulo Diballa. The Argentine is increasingly compared to compatriot Lionel Messi, but according to the Dane, these comparisons are redundant and irrelevant. `Diwala is a great talent, but the problem is that it`s from Argentina, so people will always ask themselves if he`s not the next Messi. ` There will be no next Messi shortly before another is bornplayer is going to be for many years I do not think I will see the new Messi before I die, like footballers are not born in 10 or 15. But at the moment this is the standard and so start the comparisons. , is not very tall, moves in a similar fashion, but it does not make any sense to compare it constantlyMessi because he is the Messiah. He`s a very talented player, but Messi is `categorically Laudrup.
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